Click here to watch a video featuring registered Brain Bank Singapore donor Lalitha.
Lalitha is a caregiver to her husband who has been diagnosed with Dementia and she has chosen to pledge for her brain donation after death for important biomedical research into brain conditions. Being a caregiver, she understands the struggle and the pain which has to be faced by family. She hopes that a solution can be found for such a disease that affects millions of people and wishes to be a part of that contribution for future generations.
Lalitha 是她丈夫的照顾者,她的丈夫被诊断患有痴呆症,她选择在死后捐献大脑,用于对大脑状况进行重要的生物医学研究。作为一名照顾者,她理解家庭必须面对的斗争和痛苦。她希望能够为这种影响数百万人的疾病找到解决方案,并希望成为为后代做出贡献的一部分。